Alexander Preziosi
Lawyer graduated from Santa María University in 1990. Specialization in Tax Law at the Universidad Central de Venezuela (pending thesis). Specialization in Corporate Legal Management, in the Institute of Higher Studies of Administration (IESA) in 2001. Guest Professor of the Civil Procedure Law Chair, Universidad Central de Venezuela (2003-2005). Feature writer of the Magazine Ambito Legal in Caracas, Venezuela, between 2010 and 2012. He obtained the diploma of Immigration Consultant in Canada - honors mention-, at CDI College, Toronto, Canada. Conductor of the program "Bienvenido a Canada" on the radio station La Mega de Toronto. Member of the Bar Association of the Federal District, Venezuela. Member of the Regulatory Council of Immigration Consultants of Canada (ICCRC). Since September 1990, lawyer of the law firm Viso, Rodríguez, Cottin, Medina, Valera & Asociados. Since 2000, senior partner of Viso Rodríguez, Cottin, Medina, García & Asociados. Head of the Judicial Department of the aforementioned law firm between 1995 and 2011. Legal Director of the Sural Group (2012-2014). Since 2017 member of the board of directors of Alutech (empresa de producción de productos de aluminio en Trinidad & Tobago). Since 2019 senior partner of Oro Immigration Services (Toronto). In addition to Spanish and English, he has knowledge of Italian. During the first years of his practice he devoted himself exclusively to litigation, directing numerous and important litigations cases in Venezuela. Subsequently, he has dedicated his practice to advice in commercial, civil, labor and tax matters. He has participated in several privatization processes. He has participated in the negotiation of contracts for the purchase of industrial plants, both nationally and internationally (Trinidad & Tobago, Dominican Republic, Canada and Saudi Arabia). He has participated in collective labor agreement negotiations for companies in the banking sector and in the aluminum sector. As legal consultant of the Sural group he directed all the legal aspects of this multinational group. In Canada he works as an authorized immigration consultant. Website of the immigration office (Canada): www.oroimmigration.com
alexander.preziosi@vrcabogados.com.ve preziosi1@hotamil.com